Thursday, September 19, 2019

Eulogy for Mother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Mother It is hard for me to believe she’s gone, my primary influence, sustainer, supporter and wisest counselor has left me physically. Mother was such an active participant in this world right to her very last breath. I am so grateful to have been with her on her last day. At his point she was struggling to form words and get them out, but her mind was alert, caring and compassionate. She was still worried about me, a mother to the end. During our conversation I mentioned that when I left her I was going to have dinner with my cousin Alison and friend Keith and she told me, albeit with some degree of difficulty, to VAMOOSE. She wanted me to be off enjoying myself. We had a wonderful visit talked about upcoming events in both our lives. I asked her if she was discouraged and she replied, â€Å"no†, a trooper to the end. I left her feeling optimistic, not aware that I had given her, her last kiss. What an honor! I have never had any trouble singing my mother’s praises. My friends and family know that I always appreciated and admired her. I never hesitated to include her in my activities or gatherings, knowing full well that she would probably be the most interesting person there. A testament to this was the wide variety of age groups and people she had as friends. Very few people knew mum’s age, and this was for a very good reason. She felt if people knew her age they might just write her off, as simply another older lady, those of us who knew her never made that mistake. She was so adamant about keeping her age a secret that she wouldn’t let me throw her an 80th birthday party for that would clearly let the obvious out of the bag. Mum was first and foremost our mother, a job she took very seriously, we were always her primary concern and like most mothers she continued her watch right up to the end. One of her expressions was, â€Å"you didn’t grow up by accident you know!† At first I didn’t know quite what this was supposed to mean†¦ but I came to know that this meant she had devoted her life to our stewardship and she had worked hard to instill her values and qualities. Her most notable qualities were her fierce loyalty to all of her family, her personal poise, elegance, grace, talents and wisdom.

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